Guess What's In Previews? Super Pro K.O.!: Gold for Glory!

Yes! It's finally announced. Super Pro K.O.! Gold for Glory drops this Summer on June 29th, 2016. Please make sure to request it at your local book retailers!

It looks like my brother in arms and former roomie, Kevin Burkhalter (Kevin Days A Week) scouted it first. I honestly am esctatic. I can't stress enough how packed this book it. It's just shy of 300 pages and it's an experience from beginning to end! I've been documenting progress on it for the past year or so but that's only a small fraction of what's inside. Below are some vids from my Instagram and Tumblr, which I update more frequently than here so definitely follow me :)
I have some surprises in store before the release of SPKO: Gold for Glory! so definitely follow me on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, and FB for the latest.

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