Joe Somiano risked it all by dropping out of college to pursue his childhood dream of becoming a pro wrestler, much to the disapproval of his father. King Crown Jr. is a second-generation pro-wrestler, and current Heavyweight Champion of Super Pro. K.O.!, that drinks more than he trains. Will Joe ever get a shot at wearing the SPKO Title? And will King Crown Jr. stay focused enough to defend the Championship  at any costs?


« SUPER PRO K.O.! #2: CHAOS in the CAGE CONTEST! | Main | SPKO 2: Tomahawk Slamson »

SPKO 2: Joe Somiano, This Is Your Life

So Super Pro K.O.! 2 takes place 3 months after volume 1. Things haven’t been so peachy for Joe Somiano considering he hasn’t been featured on television since his debut match versus Prince Clemont Swagger. His expression on this page says it all…

I won’t spoil what happens next. Let’s just say desperate measures are in order. Check out SPKO 2 in comic shops and bookstores everywhere this Wednesday November 2nd!

Purchase Super Pro K.O.! 2: Chaos in the Cage! below:


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