Joe Somiano risked it all by dropping out of college to pursue his childhood dream of becoming a pro wrestler, much to the disapproval of his father. King Crown Jr. is a second-generation pro-wrestler, and current Heavyweight Champion of Super Pro. K.O.!, that drinks more than he trains. Will Joe ever get a shot at wearing the SPKO Title? And will King Crown Jr. stay focused enough to defend the Championship  at any costs?


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The Almighty Crown Jr.

Here’s a pinup I recently finished for fun. I tried to imagine a photo that might appear in SPKO Weekly of King Crown Jr. The lions were pretty cool to draw since I never really draw animals. I used the same scepter Crown Jr. carried in SPKO #1. The throne was pretty standard. I just made it up out of the top of my head. It seemed a bit bare so I thought the checker pattern could make it a bit more interesting. At first, I considered spikes on top of it but it seemed a bit too much.

Here’s the sketch that inspired it. I mainly just shifted the vantage point. I think adding the lion walking in the foreground added a lot to the composition as well.

I gave Crown Jr. a blank expression to represent how he feels about being Super Pro K.O. Heavyweight Champion. Crown’s thinking, “Where’s the competition?” I originally had one of the lions screaming in Jr.’s face but I thought it was a bit more than the vibe I was going for. You can also see, that Crown originally had the belt in his lap but I figured it would be fun for the lion to be guarding it. The crown on the lion was also a cool call I made toward the end of the drawing.

Perhaps Butch O’ Rowdy will have Crown Jr.’s number in SPKO 3? Speaking of SPKO 3....nah. Too soon for that :D But here's the coolest pic I saw online of someone's copy of SPKO 2: Chaos in the Cage.

Shoutout to BbStarD on twitter!



Twitter: @JarrettWilliams

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