The Road to Super Pro K.O.! #3: You've Unlocked Preview Page #1! Tap!
Here's the first of many sneak peaks at SPKO #3.
I love this page. I believe the Sike vs. Glam feud might be SPKO's longest on-going feud so far :D I don't even think I could've pulled off a shot like this in SPKO #1. It's really cool to see how far I'm pushing with the writing and art in this volume. Just looking at the wrestling gear Sike's rocking makes me so happy.
Also, SPKO 3's a massive read. It's closer to 240 pgs and chock full of extras. I wish I could show more from this match but the "Powers That Be" won't allow it.
I'll be uploading just one preview page a month leading up to SPKO #3's release. Thanks for your patience in between updates. My absolute focus right now is on completing this book in full by March so I'll be off the grid for a bit.
In the meantime, if you're new to Super Pro K.O.! be sure to check out volumes 1 & 2 here or download them both digitally at Comixology here. There's a lot to catch up before SPKO #3's huge main event match up!
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