Joe Somiano risked it all by dropping out of college to pursue his childhood dream of becoming a pro wrestler, much to the disapproval of his father. King Crown Jr. is a second-generation pro-wrestler, and current Heavyweight Champion of Super Pro. K.O.!, that drinks more than he trains. Will Joe ever get a shot at wearing the SPKO Title? And will King Crown Jr. stay focused enough to defend the Championship  at any costs?



SPKO 3 Desk Shot: Crown Jr. and Butch O Rowdy! 

So happy to at least share one panel from SPKO 3: Gold for Glory! King Crown Jr and Butch face off!

It's really good to be so far along in this next volume. I spent a good chunk of time today coming up with a finisher for one of the wrestlers. The details in this volume are awesome. If you've paid attention the past two volumes, you'll find all sorts of nods. I feel like the History of Super Pro KO is really beginning to come together here, especially with this book.



Working Hard! Deadlines Ahead!

It's been a crazy couple of weeks so I take full responsibility for the lack of updates. But here's a pic from desk as we speak.

I had to work hard to crop out a couple surprises :D El Heroe is one of my favorite characters and I have lots planned for him in a future SPKO storylines. (same for Sensational Sike).  

SPKO 3: Gold for Glory! is pretty far along. I'm approaching pg 150 of pencils. This book is shaping up to be chunky! This is what 150 pages look like. It's about 20 lbs weight wise and the height of two SPKOs :D Plus, there's all the double page spreads. I have to keep all the pages in this art bin otherwise they'd look butchered come inking time. I'm pretty messy and rough on pages so I'm trying to keep these mint!


I'm actually finishing up a lot of the emblems as we speak. I mentioned it in a previous post but there's over 50 of those bad boys hidden throughout the book. Here's one special one that I can relate to at the moment.


If you're at Emerald City Comic Con, you can scope out some of the pages from the next volume. I'll post my signing times up here shortly. Warning, there will be spoilers galore so come glance if you can't wait a year for the next book! Here's a short video clip I posted previously:

I've gotten word from some readers who've bought a digital copy of SPKO 2 on Comixology! Thanks for the support and continue to spread the word to your friends! As always, you can pick up copies of Super Pro KO 2: Chaos in the Cage and Super Pro KO at comic shops all over. If your local store doesn't carry it, request that they do! Send me a line for your efforts and I'll mail you a signed print! If you're in Savannah, GA, Shop SCAD is carrying a ton of signed copies of both volumes! 

Alright, I've got to get back to work! Deadlines :O 



Loikamania Pop-Culture Podcast

Check out a podcast I recorded with host Pat Loika and Robbi Rodriguez (of Uncanny X-Force). We talk pro wrestling for about a solid hour and throw in our Wrestlemania predictions. Good times!

Listen in here!



Joe Somiano Action Figure…Say What?!


This is the lone  Joe Somiano Action Figure designed by Dave Wheeler. I guess it makes it super rare. Awesome job dude!  What else can I say. Get in touch with Dave if you’d like him to make one of your comic characters into an action figure!

Make sure to pick up Super Pro KO 2: Chaos in the Cage and tell your friends. Super Pro KO # 1 is also available on ComicXology for Digital Download for just $5.99

The fan support has been amazing overall! I have a bunch of photos of people with their copies of SPKO 2, maybe I should make a Fan area on here? Onward to SPKO 3! Chikara DVD post coming next!




Super Pro K.O. Vol. 1 on ComiXology

Super Pro K.O. #1 is available as a digital comic on ComiXology for $5.99. I’m a pretty big fan of the digital comic movement so this is a great chance to get any of your app-savy friends on board with Super Pro K.O.! Please continue to spread the word! The fans so far have been pretty amazing.

You can find it for digital download here:

I’ll have a little update on recent work later in the week including a post on working on artwork for Chikara’s newest DVD. That was a fun experience and some of the sketches that didn't make the cut are pretty cool too.

I also just crossed the halfway point on my pencils for Super Pro K.O. #3 and took a week or so to recharge. The newer pages are pretty remarkable. The world of SPKO is just beginning to feel a lot more realized. You’ll see :D What's crazy is that I've been making notes on SPKO 4 too. I can't believe the series is just about halfway along. Time is flying and this next volume  feels like the ultimate live wrestling show.

Poppa Pumped!


Twitter: @JarrettWilliams